Taggert Brooks Economics Consulting
Taggert Brooks - Economic Consulting

Statistical Analysis and Data Visualization

We provide everything from forecasting and econometric analysis to data visualization designed to maximize the impact of a presentation. Taggert Brooks has taught econometrics at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. He has also taken classes from Edward Tufte, along with teaching his own modules on data visualization.

Examples of work include:
A dynamic chart of the foreclosure rate and unemployment rate in the Counties of Wisconsin from 2000-2009. Under size adjust the size of the bubbles to the population of the county then press play.

Here are larger charts for the 7 Rivers Region and for the State of Wisconsin.

Here is a chart of State Revenues by major source.

Duration of Unemployment

(C) 2009-2010 Taggert J. Brooks | Contact | About | Atom